Tuesday, 4 November 2008

IGCSE Accounting (0452) Scheme of Assessment

For students who are appearing for Jun 2010 exams or after that, will have follow the changed scheme of assessment.

There will be two compulsory papers i.e. Paper 1 and Paper 2.

These papers will contain questions based on the whole syllabus, and will be graded A to G.

Paper 1

Duration : 1¾ hours

Total marks: 120

Weighting : 50%

Structured question paper with 8–12 multiple choice items and short answer questions. Paper 1 will

usually consist of between 4 to 5 questions drawn from topics across the whole of the syllabus. All

questions are compulsory and will mainly test Knowledge and Understanding, with some Analysis

and Evaluation.

Candidates answer on the question paper.

Paper 2

Duration :1¾ hours

Total marks: 120

Weighting: 50%

Structured question paper. Paper 2 will usually consist of 4 to 6 questions drawn from topics across

the whole of the syllabus. All questions are compulsory and will test Knowledge and Understanding, but with an emphasis on Analysis and Evaluation.

Candidates answer on the question paper.