Tuesday, 4 November 2008

IGCSE Economics (code 455) Scheme of assessment

There has been a change in the scheme of assessment in IGCSE Economics. Earlier the syllabus was divided into core and extended. But now these both have been merged and made into one syllabus. June 2009 examinations will be based on the new scheme. Instead of Paper1,2,3,4,6 there will be only THREE Papers i.e. Paper 1,2,3. The details are given below.

Paper 1 (45 minutes)
30 multiple-choice items.
ALL questions to be answered

Paper 2 (2 hours)
Structured questions.
Candidates must answer Section A and three questions in Section B.

Paper 3 (1 hour 30 minutes)
A variety of questions which test enquiry skills.
Novel data will be presented for interpretation and analysis of a real economic situation.

Paper Weighting
Paper 1----------20%
Paper 2----------50%
Paper 3----------30%